Tharu and Sons

+91 907421 5454


Bedroll Management

Leveraging the power of technology for your hygiene.


Housekeeping Activities

Services designed to help you maintain a clean and comfortable space.


Laundry Operations

Experience our range of fully mechanized BOOT laundry services.

Tharu & Sons

Tharu & Sons, established in 1998, is a leading service provider of specialized services like operating a fully mechanized laundry service on BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) basis, linen management, running room services, mechanized cleaning, onboard housekeeping services, etc. for various divisions of Indian Railway and other private and public sector undertakings and luxury hotels across India.

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Years of Experience
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Satisfied Clients
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Expert Team Members
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Work on Hand

100% quality assurance

Tharu & Sons guarantees impeccable quality and follows strict hygiene protocols and ISO Quality Certification in products and procedures across all our verticals.

Our Services

Mechanized Laundry Services

Bedroll Management Services


What Makes us best

At Tharu & Sons, we believe that our commitment to superior cleaning, convenience, personalized services, eco-friendly practices, competitive pricing, and prompt service makes us the best choice for your hygiene needs. Our solid team of skilled professionals deal with the latest technology to deliver the best and exceed your expectations. We take pride in the following accomplishments:

Our Testimonials

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Treesa Thomas